Sitemap - 2024 - Change Anything with April Wilson Smith, MPH

Appeal from Sahar Tartak, Yale student

Rest in purrs, sweet Philomena

Electric Blue

Substacks I love

Gifts from my Father

Empty spaces, sacred spaces

Are you raising your cat Jewish?

Grief is like walking through mud

Grieving the way we need to.

In the beginning there was the Cat.

When the ceiling falls in


Sleeping on Israel

A Tale of Two Thanksgivings

I don't need a bison in my front yard, but...

Men without cats.

Was your mother a white cat?

Happy birthday to my Giraffe!

We are the Olive Garden

The Fluffy Collection - An Album of Recent Greatest Hits

Israeli Food for People Who Use Drugs?

October 7 and Radicalizing Experiences

Expect the Unexpected

When Non-Jews Don't Believe Jews

David is Dead

The party of performative meltdowns?

99 problems

"People are slippery, and they can sniff out when they’ve become your project."

The lesser of two?

The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Beers for Votes?

Don't take Childless Cat Ladies for Granted

New city, new job, new cat, new life

He's No You

Shana Tovah

How to get people you don't like to stop talking to you

Tears for terrorists?

You don't have to be a Jew to appreciate civilization

Back to Beautiful

September 11

Checking on you.

For Marilyn

National Suicide Prevention Month

Should I be afraid of this?

I always did believe in miracles...

Is this what they really want?

Just a Zionist?

Why people will follow you into battle

Catless Child Ladies

Cleaning Up the Neighborhood

Don't try to talk yourself, or anyone else, out of grief

Visiting Israelis

Everything that is happening in this country

Attempted Assassination - Never Good

Can't Think Why

Mind Body Dualism and Getting Back in Shape

Those crazy nights I do remember from my youth...

Religiously Jewish, Culturally Not Yet

Where is a Sith Lord When You Need One?

There Is More Than One Way To Wield The Force

Things no one tells you.

Let's Keep the Men

Smoke on the Water

What can I do?

My first Israeli friend ever is the story teller at Grow Us a Jewish Story!

With You

Anakin was... intense.

Organizer Personality Disorder?

Adult Bok Choy

What, specifically, is the right place at the right time?

Shadows disappear at night. We both know it's a shame if you should lose one.

Imaginary Dinner Parties

Ides of March

No, I will not "get over it."

To new life.

Antisemitic Ice Cream

What Rescue Cats Can Teach Us About Harm Reduction

Going On, Not Giving Up

West Philly's Cat In Black

The Injustice of Leap Day (for some)

Reading the Bible

If Hamas-supporters and the media praise suicide...

If Hamas supporters and the media praise suicide...

What I read today

A Place I Hadn't Been Since October 7

Red Sky in the Evening

Welcome new friends!

Don't just do something. Stand there.

Gadi Taub in Tablet Magazine: There Is No Two- State Solution

Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday were the same day this year

Wait, how did the goat get here?

Gifts from a Rabbi

I will continue speaking out in support of my Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel and everywhere.

Ari Ben Canaan. The man with nothing to lose.

Short update to last post...

100 Days in Hell

Stand down, Commander Wren

Baby If I Could Change the World...

Right MEOW!