
in any war, few of us have tears for the fallen enemy. It is how little pleasure, or even satisfaction, we get from their death.

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Sep 28Liked by April

I enjoyed this essay and appreciate your affinity for Judaism and praise to Israel for being badass in dealing with its enemies and those who wish harm. My first wife was a convert to Judiasm in the Reform branch since the Orthodox and Conservative Branches ridiculously thought her reasons for converting, being that I was Jewish, were insufficient. Such nonsense, especially since I tried to talk her out of converting because I thought she would miss Christmas and Easter too much and didn't want to see her sad. When I learned the Reform Passover seder ritual included dipping your pinkie into the wine when each plague was mentioned and letting it drip on the plate to show sorrow and sympathy for the innocent Egyptians who had to suffer from each plague, I couldn't do it. It made no sense. It was as if we were questioning G-d's judgment. It wasn't badass.

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It’s tragic when civilians die, but when the murderers themselves are killed, that’s a good thing. If they live, they will kill more innocents.

In this war there have been terrible mixtures of bad guys and human shields. But I cannot understand why a terrorist should be mourned.

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