Got a chuckle out of your observation that not being Jewish, nobody can fault you for not being a good Jew. Keep searching, sounds like you enjoy it. Jews like most folk learn to accept what happens, and if the Zen aspect of life resonates be content with your life and situation, and if the Jews aspect resonates then pray, hope, and work towards a better day.
Thank you for your good wishes and as for that poor woman, well, she just got blown off by an antisemite. She’s better off without him.
Got a chuckle out of your observation that not being Jewish, nobody can fault you for not being a good Jew. Keep searching, sounds like you enjoy it. Jews like most folk learn to accept what happens, and if the Zen aspect of life resonates be content with your life and situation, and if the Jews aspect resonates then pray, hope, and work towards a better day.
“I am a follower of the Cat Goddess Bastet … a kitty mommy” ❤️
Thank you for your good wishes and for that poor woman, well, she just got blown off by an antisemite. She’s better off without him.