... Mandalorians embrace their passions ... Jedi suppress their passions. Jedis have power that flows through all things. Mandalorians make their own power, forge their own weapons, train continuously for battle. Yes ... I choose Bo-Katan of House Kryze ... please and thank you. This is the way.
That said ... I have actually been reconsidering my analysis. I don't believe there is a duality here. Specifically, through the Star Wars Universe, there have now been, at least 3, force sensitive Mandalorians. Din Grogu most recently, in time. Sabine Wren, who showed her force sensitivity during the final battle in Ahsoka ... and completely parenthetically ... Tarre Visla. The last one is the temple trained Jedi (vs. Bokken Jedi) ... 1000 years before ... when he made the dark saber and united Mandalore. I truly believe, that Jedi and Mandalorian are not duality, because it is possible to be both. I also make the distinction between Temple Jedi and Bokken Jedi. That is raised in Ahsoka as well.
The origin of the term Bokken ... from OUR universe ... comes from the Samurai. Basically, there were classically trained warriors who went the way of the Samurai, and ... there were Bokken Samurai, who were not classically trained but came into the service of their masters as warriors, because of their great skill and because of their agrarian roots, being unable to get that classic training. The temple training, the ancient texts, that is where the Jedi detachment spurs from. Its an attempt at control of power to maintain balance. When the powers are freed, you get Bokken Jedi, you get Night Sisters of Darthomir and you get Darth Maul and ... from the comics, his Darthomiri brother. The light with the dark.
Ezra's line of Jedi, is a divergence. His predecessors were all Temple Jedi. Sabine's line, which was mentioned by the Jedi training droid, comes from a long line of Bokken Jedi. Obi-wan being the temple trained jedi, through Anakin Skywalker, to his padawan, Ahsoka Tano. Anakin was found as force sensitive in Ep. 1. Ahsoka's backstory is shown a little through some of the shorts on D+, but she was force sensitive at a very young age.
My argument is that being a Jedi is a profession, by those with a certain set of skills. Mandalore went from being a planetary distinction and converted into a creed, especially after the night of 1000 tears. It seems that there was a way of life on Old Mandalore, which made for ... a militaristic collective. The pieces of that way, the central tenets of that collective, moved because of necessity. Some of the formalities are being modernized with the return to the planet, and I am really interested to see how that society moves. But, the way they took in Grogu, the methodology of reserving things for foundlings, the expansion regardless of species, indicates that it is not a human characteristic, but a religion. Moreso than the Jedi, who are supposedly Warrior Monks who support balance in all things. Contrapositively, the Mandalorian religion is something that ... Mandalorians would seem to want all they encounter to ... be.
So, I return to Tarre Visla. Visla was a visionary in both worlds. He created a blade that could repel attacks from Beskar, and only be handled by someone worthy of ruling the Mandalorian people. He was ... to blaspheme a few different religions - especially my own... a Warrior Pope. Mandalorians are the practitioners of the religion, but their leaders are set by monarchy. Visla was, likely, Mandalore's foray into a theocracy. But ... imagine that he was a force sensitive, religious Mandalorian. The next ones are Sabine and Grogu.
They practice the religion, before they hone their force sensitivity and commit to force balance. With that said, I will tease one of my own theories. I believe that Sabine being a positive, force sensitive Jedi Mandalorian ... requires an equal and opposite dark force to maintain a balance. While there are Night Sisters and the Maul Brothers ... I think the most appropriate balance would occur / will occur ... when Din Grogu takes his place as a Sith Lord. This is a theory I believe will gut everyone who loves their little "baby yoda" t-shirts. It will throw public opinion of Star Wars into the toilet. But ... There must be balance in the force.
So to answer your original question, those who train hard for a profession ... sexy and could smash. Those who believe strongly in a religion ... ALSO sexy and could smash. Your ideal man (Tarre Visla) ... likely died 1000 years BEFORE ... "Long, long ago in a Galaxy far, far away."
Fascinating analysis! You know more of the history than I do. I agree about balance in the Force. One problem I have with Star Wars as opposed to GoT is the idea that there is all "good" and all "dark." Lots of the people who are rooting for the Empire want law and order, stability, which the New Republic has trouble providing. Anakin originally turned to the Dark Side in large part because of what happened to his mother. I find I have a lot of Anakin in me. A lot of rage that I work at directing in a positive way. When I or my family or my people are attacked, I can go pretty Empress Palpatine in a heartbeat. The idea of some kind of Jedi purity is just bullshit - and they were right that Jedi, in their arrogance, failed. I wonder how Sabine will find balance. I feel like she needs a teacher other than Ahsoka. In some ways, I think Anakin is the only one who can teach Sabine. He understands what it's like to lose your family. ... Mandalorians embrace their passions ... Jedi suppress their passions. Jedis have power that flows through all things. Mandalorians make their own power, forge their own weapons, train continuously for battle. Yes ... I choose Bo-Katan of House Kryze ... please and thank you. This is the way.
That said ... I have actually been reconsidering my analysis. I don't believe there is a duality here. Specifically, through the Star Wars Universe, there have now been, at least 3, force sensitive Mandalorians. Din Grogu most recently, in time. Sabine Wren, who showed her force sensitivity during the final battle in Ahsoka ... and completely parenthetically ... Tarre Visla. The last one is the temple trained Jedi (vs. Bokken Jedi) ... 1000 years before ... when he made the dark saber and united Mandalore. I truly believe, that Jedi and Mandalorian are not duality, because it is possible to be both. I also make the distinction between Temple Jedi and Bokken Jedi. That is raised in Ahsoka as well.
The origin of the term Bokken ... from OUR universe ... comes from the Samurai. Basically, there were classically trained warriors who went the way of the Samurai, and ... there were Bokken Samurai, who were not classically trained but came into the service of their masters as warriors, because of their great skill and because of their agrarian roots, being unable to get that classic training. The temple training, the ancient texts, that is where the Jedi detachment spurs from. Its an attempt at control of power to maintain balance. When the powers are freed, you get Bokken Jedi, you get Night Sisters of Darthomir and you get Darth Maul and ... from the comics, his Darthomiri brother. The light with the dark.
Ezra's line of Jedi, is a divergence. His predecessors were all Temple Jedi. Sabine's line, which was mentioned by the Jedi training droid, comes from a long line of Bokken Jedi. Obi-wan being the temple trained jedi, through Anakin Skywalker, to his padawan, Ahsoka Tano. Anakin was found as force sensitive in Ep. 1. Ahsoka's backstory is shown a little through some of the shorts on D+, but she was force sensitive at a very young age.
My argument is that being a Jedi is a profession, by those with a certain set of skills. Mandalore went from being a planetary distinction and converted into a creed, especially after the night of 1000 tears. It seems that there was a way of life on Old Mandalore, which made for ... a militaristic collective. The pieces of that way, the central tenets of that collective, moved because of necessity. Some of the formalities are being modernized with the return to the planet, and I am really interested to see how that society moves. But, the way they took in Grogu, the methodology of reserving things for foundlings, the expansion regardless of species, indicates that it is not a human characteristic, but a religion. Moreso than the Jedi, who are supposedly Warrior Monks who support balance in all things. Contrapositively, the Mandalorian religion is something that ... Mandalorians would seem to want all they encounter to ... be.
So, I return to Tarre Visla. Visla was a visionary in both worlds. He created a blade that could repel attacks from Beskar, and only be handled by someone worthy of ruling the Mandalorian people. He was ... to blaspheme a few different religions - especially my own... a Warrior Pope. Mandalorians are the practitioners of the religion, but their leaders are set by monarchy. Visla was, likely, Mandalore's foray into a theocracy. But ... imagine that he was a force sensitive, religious Mandalorian. The next ones are Sabine and Grogu.
They practice the religion, before they hone their force sensitivity and commit to force balance. With that said, I will tease one of my own theories. I believe that Sabine being a positive, force sensitive Jedi Mandalorian ... requires an equal and opposite dark force to maintain a balance. While there are Night Sisters and the Maul Brothers ... I think the most appropriate balance would occur / will occur ... when Din Grogu takes his place as a Sith Lord. This is a theory I believe will gut everyone who loves their little "baby yoda" t-shirts. It will throw public opinion of Star Wars into the toilet. But ... There must be balance in the force.
So to answer your original question, those who train hard for a profession ... sexy and could smash. Those who believe strongly in a religion ... ALSO sexy and could smash. Your ideal man (Tarre Visla) ... likely died 1000 years BEFORE ... "Long, long ago in a Galaxy far, far away."
I find it comforting that my ideal man died 1000 years ago.
I totally agree with your analysis Mike
I totally agree! Mandalorians also value community and solidarity above all. Which is why Sabine had to find Ezra.
Fascinating analysis! You know more of the history than I do. I agree about balance in the Force. One problem I have with Star Wars as opposed to GoT is the idea that there is all "good" and all "dark." Lots of the people who are rooting for the Empire want law and order, stability, which the New Republic has trouble providing. Anakin originally turned to the Dark Side in large part because of what happened to his mother. I find I have a lot of Anakin in me. A lot of rage that I work at directing in a positive way. When I or my family or my people are attacked, I can go pretty Empress Palpatine in a heartbeat. The idea of some kind of Jedi purity is just bullshit - and they were right that Jedi, in their arrogance, failed. I wonder how Sabine will find balance. I feel like she needs a teacher other than Ahsoka. In some ways, I think Anakin is the only one who can teach Sabine. He understands what it's like to lose your family.