Good article in Splice. You write well, even when covering topics of less interest to me, such as the favorite TV shows of your cat.

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Thank you! But wait... you're not hanging on every update on the life of my cat???

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Smiling, funny. I like cats, took in a stray kitten in 2008 which my youngest daughter named Alice. Turned out Alice was pregnant and gave birth to a litter of 4 (one died within days), under my son's bed, while he was away on active duty in the Army. I called them Small, Medium, and Large, all as handsome as Alice. Small was the only male and would not leave his mom's side. My oldest daughter found a home for Medium and Large with her college librarian. I decided to keep Small as he had a heart murmur and I thought separation from his mom would kill him. Youngest daughter named him Sawyer. They got along great with my dog. Alice was a wonderful cat, smart and friendly, loved Hanukkah and would always jump up and sit beside the menorah in the window. Sawyer hid under beds all the time. Alice spent half the night sleeping with me, the other half sleeping beside my dog. I never knew where Sawyer slept, he was skittish, fearful, but sweet, grew to be larger than his momma and always close to her. Alice passed two years ago, and Sawyer last year. My dog mourned Alice's passing for months.

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