I'm not asking you to take a stand on the most controversial issues of our time. No one's career will be cancelled.
The question is simple. Star Wars or Billy Joel?
The readership of this blog includes some of the finest, most upstanding people I have ever known. People with positions that give them a tremendous amount of power, and that come with a certain amount of moral authority. Leaders in science, mental health, media, education, psychology, labor, medicine and law. Deeply religious people who contribute to their faith communities. Clinicians who put up with stuff that would drive me crazier than I am. Parents of children and cats. People who give of themselves even when there is no money, little thanks, and no glamour other than pictures of ourselves with cats who need homes. The best people on earth, really.
Such an illustrious crowd, understandably, contains people who have to think very carefully before they make public statements. These days, public statements can be dangerous. You can get cancelled or killed for making the wrong people angry. I often censor myself because I fear for my safety. I too feel I have to be careful.
So I understand any hesitancy, or careful, even prayerful consideration before making any public statements.
That being said, unless you work for Lucas Film or even maybe Disney, this is not that controversial. Star Wars or Billy Joel?
Thank you to those who have voted. We’ve had some vibrant discussion. Thank you Mike for your in depth analysis of Star Wars issues. Dad, after all you’ve been through, you definitely deserve some good Billy Joel blog posts. JZ, your point is taken, and as a generous paid subscriber, remember, you get to choose a topic for an entry. Emy, I’m really glad the guy I was crushing on at your wedding has a cat. Oh, and is happily married with a kid. But really, I’m all about the cats. Joseph, I will take your email as a vote for Billy Joel. It absolutely made my day!
To those who have not voted: Take a stand!
I’m going to fire off some Billy Joel related entries shortly. Look for Billy Joel’s Zen insights, an analysis of the class and gender dynamics at Yale in the mid-1990’s and in “Uptown Girl,” (It won’t be what you think), and more.
But Star Wars will come back because a) a lot of you want Star Wars entries b) I think about Star Wars a lot.
There comes a time in life when people of conscience must take a stand. I believe this is one of those times. However, the question of whether I should write about Star Wars or Billy Joel is not, in fact, that important. There are other very important issues of which we are all aware. But this one is fun. So vote.
If you don’t, I’m going to start writing about Game of Thrones!
You have been warned.
A beautiful centerpiece at Longwood Gardens, where my mom and I took the closest thing we ever get to a vacation yesterday. More flower pics to come!
Star Wars
I rise to voice my utter rejection of this mockery of a vote, which has the form of a democratic process but none of the substance.
All parties to this dispute know that this Administration is fully intent on spilling enormous volumes of innocent electronic ink on both of these subjects, regardless of the outcome of this sham "vote." Indeed, in the very act of drawing up this writ, the tyrant scriveness openly proclaims her intent to write extensively on both subjects.
Comrades! I call on all of you to rise up, reject this kabuki theater of a referendum, and withhold your vote. We can debate Star Wars and Billy Joel after the Revolution.